
Government Transparency/Accessibility

For as long as I can remember, people have complained about the difficulties surrounding obtaining public information. While the internet age makes that a much easier challenge to overcome, we’re still only as good as our tools, and let’s be honest: The city’s website is a hot mess.

It’s important to be transparent and to allow citizens to be as informed as they choose to be.  All meeting dates and times, agendas, and even the ordinances and proposals being introduced should be posted on the city’s website. Also videos and minutes from every meeting should be made available via an easily accessible database.

It’s also vitally important for elected officials to be connected to their constituents. If elected; I will hold monthly meetings, ahead of scheduled City Council Meetings, to go over the upcoming agenda and to discuss any concerns people may have over issues in the community. I will be accessible, by email, to my constituents, and will reply in a timely manner to discuss any topic and to help in any way I can. 

I will also create a district mailing list to send out updates to anyone who chooses to opt-in on what’s happening in your City Government and to ask for feedback on important issues.